Liam is a middle-aged man in his late forties, the leader of the criminal orginization The House of Cards, and the main antagonist of Crystalline. He is also the current owner of the Obsidian.
Liam appears as a young, lanky figure. He is very tall, with light brown hair that is in a grown out combover. He has a significantly large scar over his eye, which is usually covered by his combover. His eyes are red , and his scarred eye has a significant cataract. He is commonly seen in a red tuxedo with a red bowtie that has a knot in the shape of a heart.
Liam has multiple supernatural abilities, each one more powerful than the last.
Phantom is the ability which allows Liam to absorb and release the lifeforce of his opponents. When using it, his hair turns a milky white with a glowing green aura. The theft of the lifeforce directly fuels Liam, while killing or reducing the lifespan of his opponent in the process
Dark's Regen is an ability given to Liam by The Obsidian, allowing him to convert his body into the physical matter darkness, and completely regenerate from injuries, using his life force as fuel.
Pulverize allows Liam to dissolve people with a single touch. Unlike [ Tomura Shigaraki], Liam can dissolve his target with any part of his body, instantaneously, and with little to no surface area.
Liam was raised with his three brothers in the area now known as Las Bravio, Neon Valley. When Liam was approximately 14, his parents passed of unfortunate circumstance. After this point he was raised by his brothers. He then lived with his brothers throughout his young adult life until he finished his education and met his future wife. After meeting his future wife, the two instantly fell in love and were married only a few years afterward. During this time he was considered very happy, and in eternal bliss. This continued until his wife's passing.
The House of Cards was founded after Liam's wife passed as a result of a sudden mugging turned homicide, in which Liam permanently changed mentally. The House of Cards was founded soon afterward, and quickly grew to be one of the largest criminal organizations in Neon Valley's history.
After two years of warring since The Three Years of Silence, Liam had a final last resort. Throughout the cities of Neon Valley, Liam had set up Armageddon Modules, devices that can destroy cities. The largest one was in Las Bravio, the headquarters of The House of Cards. So, to combat The Hoodlums, Liam activated the Armageddon Module in Las Bravio, causing a cloud of deep smoke to engulf Las Bravio, and a permanent darkness to fall over it. This started The War on Las Bravio, and The Hoodlums quickly raided. Over the course of a few weeks, The Hoodlums slowly toppled The House of Cards until just The Brigade and Liam were left. This led to the final battle of The Lunar War, The Battle of Las Bravio. In this fight, Liam used a small fragment of glass to create a White Hole Shard, and when he knew he was going to be defeated, took his own life. This ended The Lunar War, and destroyed the remains of The House of Cards, leaving only The Hoodlums and its allies standing.
Death confronted Liam in Limbo, accusing him of ruining the timeline of death. As well as this, Death found Liam so cowardly and cruel that he punished him with The Curse of Immortality. This leaves Liam's soul permanently alive with no escape.